Tuesday, June 14, 2011

And Peanut Is.......

A BOY!!! We found out on Friday that what we thought was a girl is actually a boy. Let me apologize for my lack of posts recently. Cody's mom Cindi has been very sick and we lost her on Friday right around the time of our ultrasound. It made for a very bittersweet day. We really have not been able to process, let alone celebrate. We will miss Cindi terribly and it breaks our hearts that she won't get to see her grandson. But somehow I like to think she had something to do with him being a boy. An ultrasound a few weeks back hinted it was a girl but Cody really really wanted a boy. So when it ended up being a boy it felt right; and it makes me smile to think that was Cindi's doing. Things are going to be very difficult for our family over the next few months but its nice to know we have something wonderful to look forward to that will ease the pain of all those close to Cindi. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.”

It's a boy!!! 
20 weeks. Halfway there!!