Monday, July 18, 2011

25 Weeks!

We've had a busy couple of weeks. A weekend in Memphis, weekend on LeConte, a new car...lots to keep us busy. First lets start with LeConte, at 24 weeks I made the 5 mile hike to Mt. LeConte, and it was GREAT!! I drank lots of water and ate small snacks along the way, and with a few breaks I managed to make it to the top in 3 hours and 23 minutes. Then the next day, we managed to shave almost an hour off our time making it to the bottom in 2 1/2 hours. My knees hurt like hell but it was a proud moment for me!!

This past weekend we made a big leap and traded in my Honda Civic for our "family wagon"- a Subaru Outback. It's got plenty of room for Mom, Dad, baby and dogs!! And we got a great deal!

Back to baby: at 25 weeks, he is 13 1/2 inches (eggplant) and a pound a half. Everyday he's more and more active, kicking and hiccuping.

Hope this weekend we will be doing some work in the nursery, stay tuned for pictures!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

23 Weeks

Yesterday marks 23 weeks!! Peanut is about 11.5 inches long (think papaya) and well over a  pound. He definitely feels bigger. Little things like bending over and putting on my shoes are becoming more difficult. As he gets bigger I feel him more and more. Around 17 weeks I felt little "flips" as he squirmed around, but now I feel his kicks and punches! Sometimes it feels like he's doing jumping jacks in there. In fact, he is so strong Cody can even feel him on the outside. We go this week for an ultrasound to get a closer look at his kidneys. Last time, the ultrasound showed a bit more fluid than normal so we want to make sure that everything looks normal now. They say around 24 weeks is when the 3D photos of their face look the best, so hopefully we'll get a good look and see what he looks like!!