Monday, September 19, 2011

34 Weeks

I can't believe I finally get to say this but I'm in the home stretch. Only 6 weeks left!! Some people still like to tell me I still have a ways to go but compared to 34 weeks, 6 really doesn't sound like that long. Peanut is doing well, weighing in at 4 lbs 12 ounces; right on track! And the fluid in his kidneys has finally leveled off. He is perfect!! I on the other hand, still have low iron levels and regular sugar crashes, in addition to insomnia, heartburn, sciatic pain and now cankles. But its all worth it.

Work is finally slowing down and I'm trying desperately to stay on top of all my projects before I go on leave.   I can't imagine taking 3 months off of work; it'll be hard to let go. But I know I'll have bigger things to worry about and everything will be taken care of while I'm out. Before I go they are throwing me a baby shower, as if we didn't get enough stuff the first time. This kid is gonna be so spoiled!!  In fact, here are a few of my favorite things for Peanut.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Delayed Update

This is long overdue but things have been crazy busy around here lately. This week marks 31 weeks....9 to go. Maybe. I found out at the doctor yesterday Peanut is already 4 lbs, 3 ounces. If he gets too big they might induce me early to prevent any complications. But we'll just have to wait and see.

I had my baby shower this past weekend in Memphis. We got LOTS of great stuff!!We're still not totally ready but we're getting close. Here are a few pictures from the weekend.