Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just Peachy

Let me start off by saying I'm alive and sorry for the post delays. I have survived my first week at work, my birthday, a trip to Florida, tornadoes and happily my first trimester. At 13 weeks I am now officially in my second trimester, with peanut now about the size of a peach. I had an unplanned trip to the doctor yesterday but everything is fine and both peanut and I are healthy and doing well. We will get to know more about little peanut in 4 weeks when we go for the anatomy ultrasound; we may even be able to find out if peanut is a boy or girl. In the meantime, I am feeling better each day; getting a little less nauseous and a little more energetic, and even starting to get a little bump. Time to switch to the elastic waistband!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

11 Weeks

I'm 11 weeks which means baby is about the size of a lime. I can't believe how fast it is starting to grow; just last week it was about the size of a prune. Two more weeks and I am out of my first trimester!! Can't wait!!

The pictures below are just for fun to show you the size of peanut right now. Not a significant bump yet. Also- if I look exhausted its because I've started my training at the Boys and Girls Clubs and have spent the past two days with all the kids.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Back to Work

I got the call today that the Boys and Girls Club would like to hire me as their Resource Development Coordinator!! This is the one I have been waiting for. I'm really excited about the job and the company. I will be working with the marketing director and the annual giving director, which is right up my alley. Not sure exactly when I will begin, still got a hefty new hire process to go through.

Also we went to the doctor today for my 10 week check up. Everything looks good and we're right on schedule. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again- 168. Perfect!!