Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just Peachy

Let me start off by saying I'm alive and sorry for the post delays. I have survived my first week at work, my birthday, a trip to Florida, tornadoes and happily my first trimester. At 13 weeks I am now officially in my second trimester, with peanut now about the size of a peach. I had an unplanned trip to the doctor yesterday but everything is fine and both peanut and I are healthy and doing well. We will get to know more about little peanut in 4 weeks when we go for the anatomy ultrasound; we may even be able to find out if peanut is a boy or girl. In the meantime, I am feeling better each day; getting a little less nauseous and a little more energetic, and even starting to get a little bump. Time to switch to the elastic waistband!

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