Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hello 3rd Trimester!!

This week marks 28 weeks, officially in my third trimester. Last week, I had my glucose test to screen me for gestational diabetes, which I passed!! However, my blood work showed that my iron levels are low, so I have to start on iron supplements. We took a look at Peanut through an ultrasound, he s 2 lbs, 12 ounces already!! This puts him in the 85th percentile, hopefully weighing in around 7 1/2 to 8 pounds at birth. Now that I'm in the third tri, I will see the doctor every other week.
Last week while Cody was at the beach my mom came up and we got started on the nursery. We already had a crib and changing table, so we bought some shelves and a chest of drawers for a great price. We spruced things up with some bright paint and added some accents and things are really starting to come together. Here's what we've done so far....

There's lots more I'd like to do, especially if we end up moving (which we might), but a pretty good start!

1 comment:

  1. that is one creepy owl. peanut will have nightmares forever about evil owls. i suggest painting a psychadelic mural on the ceiling so peanut's imagination can run free!

    when someone asks you "when's it due?" you should say, "i'm not pregnant!"
