Tuesday, October 4, 2011

36 Weeks

I'm still here.....been saying that a lot lately. Everyday my co-workers seem surprised to see me but peanut has to stay put at least until after this weekend. My parents are in Mexico and Cody and I have tickets to see the Avett Brothers Friday night. Plus, Monday I will be 37 weeks which means full term, so if he could just stay put til Monday that'd be perfect.

Cody and I spent this past weekend getting things ready. We cleaned the house, decorated for Halloween and packed the hospital bag. Here's the two outfits we picked out for peanut to wear home. We packed two because we don't know exactly how big he'll be.
We also took a trip up to the Smokies. We had planned on hiking Clingman's Dome but when we got to the parking lot we were surprised to find snow on the trees and the temperature holding steady at 41 degrees. So we just decided to take the lazy tourist route and drive around the park.

I went to the doctor today for my 36 week appointment. Peanut is 6 lbs, 1 ounce. This puts him in the 50th percentile...so he's perfect!! I won't go into any other details of the appointment but things are just as they should be; peanut's head down and locked into position. Hopefully he doesn't make us wait too much longer.

1 comment:

  1. "So we just decided to take the lazy tourist route and drive around the park."

    that's a slippery slope ya'll's treadin'.

    good luck with the birth! hope it's as painless as possible.
