Saturday, October 15, 2011

Full Term

This week marked 37 weeks- Peanut is full term!!  His organs are fully developed and he would need no assistance if he were born today.  At my check up this week everything looked good and he is surprisingly already getting ready for his big arrival.  In fact, the midwife seemed surprised by how much progress we've both made.  It could be any day now; and I believe that more and more as I am having lots of contractions.  Nothing too regular or painful yet but plenty that catch my attention and make me aware of just how close we are.  The baby pool is officially open; make your guess!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

36 Weeks

I'm still here.....been saying that a lot lately. Everyday my co-workers seem surprised to see me but peanut has to stay put at least until after this weekend. My parents are in Mexico and Cody and I have tickets to see the Avett Brothers Friday night. Plus, Monday I will be 37 weeks which means full term, so if he could just stay put til Monday that'd be perfect.

Cody and I spent this past weekend getting things ready. We cleaned the house, decorated for Halloween and packed the hospital bag. Here's the two outfits we picked out for peanut to wear home. We packed two because we don't know exactly how big he'll be.
We also took a trip up to the Smokies. We had planned on hiking Clingman's Dome but when we got to the parking lot we were surprised to find snow on the trees and the temperature holding steady at 41 degrees. So we just decided to take the lazy tourist route and drive around the park.

I went to the doctor today for my 36 week appointment. Peanut is 6 lbs, 1 ounce. This puts him in the 50th he's perfect!! I won't go into any other details of the appointment but things are just as they should be; peanut's head down and locked into position. Hopefully he doesn't make us wait too much longer.

Monday, September 19, 2011

34 Weeks

I can't believe I finally get to say this but I'm in the home stretch. Only 6 weeks left!! Some people still like to tell me I still have a ways to go but compared to 34 weeks, 6 really doesn't sound like that long. Peanut is doing well, weighing in at 4 lbs 12 ounces; right on track! And the fluid in his kidneys has finally leveled off. He is perfect!! I on the other hand, still have low iron levels and regular sugar crashes, in addition to insomnia, heartburn, sciatic pain and now cankles. But its all worth it.

Work is finally slowing down and I'm trying desperately to stay on top of all my projects before I go on leave.   I can't imagine taking 3 months off of work; it'll be hard to let go. But I know I'll have bigger things to worry about and everything will be taken care of while I'm out. Before I go they are throwing me a baby shower, as if we didn't get enough stuff the first time. This kid is gonna be so spoiled!!  In fact, here are a few of my favorite things for Peanut.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Delayed Update

This is long overdue but things have been crazy busy around here lately. This week marks 31 weeks....9 to go. Maybe. I found out at the doctor yesterday Peanut is already 4 lbs, 3 ounces. If he gets too big they might induce me early to prevent any complications. But we'll just have to wait and see.

I had my baby shower this past weekend in Memphis. We got LOTS of great stuff!!We're still not totally ready but we're getting close. Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hello 3rd Trimester!!

This week marks 28 weeks, officially in my third trimester. Last week, I had my glucose test to screen me for gestational diabetes, which I passed!! However, my blood work showed that my iron levels are low, so I have to start on iron supplements. We took a look at Peanut through an ultrasound, he s 2 lbs, 12 ounces already!! This puts him in the 85th percentile, hopefully weighing in around 7 1/2 to 8 pounds at birth. Now that I'm in the third tri, I will see the doctor every other week.
Last week while Cody was at the beach my mom came up and we got started on the nursery. We already had a crib and changing table, so we bought some shelves and a chest of drawers for a great price. We spruced things up with some bright paint and added some accents and things are really starting to come together. Here's what we've done so far....

There's lots more I'd like to do, especially if we end up moving (which we might), but a pretty good start!

Monday, July 18, 2011

25 Weeks!

We've had a busy couple of weeks. A weekend in Memphis, weekend on LeConte, a new car...lots to keep us busy. First lets start with LeConte, at 24 weeks I made the 5 mile hike to Mt. LeConte, and it was GREAT!! I drank lots of water and ate small snacks along the way, and with a few breaks I managed to make it to the top in 3 hours and 23 minutes. Then the next day, we managed to shave almost an hour off our time making it to the bottom in 2 1/2 hours. My knees hurt like hell but it was a proud moment for me!!

This past weekend we made a big leap and traded in my Honda Civic for our "family wagon"- a Subaru Outback. It's got plenty of room for Mom, Dad, baby and dogs!! And we got a great deal!

Back to baby: at 25 weeks, he is 13 1/2 inches (eggplant) and a pound a half. Everyday he's more and more active, kicking and hiccuping.

Hope this weekend we will be doing some work in the nursery, stay tuned for pictures!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

23 Weeks

Yesterday marks 23 weeks!! Peanut is about 11.5 inches long (think papaya) and well over a  pound. He definitely feels bigger. Little things like bending over and putting on my shoes are becoming more difficult. As he gets bigger I feel him more and more. Around 17 weeks I felt little "flips" as he squirmed around, but now I feel his kicks and punches! Sometimes it feels like he's doing jumping jacks in there. In fact, he is so strong Cody can even feel him on the outside. We go this week for an ultrasound to get a closer look at his kidneys. Last time, the ultrasound showed a bit more fluid than normal so we want to make sure that everything looks normal now. They say around 24 weeks is when the 3D photos of their face look the best, so hopefully we'll get a good look and see what he looks like!!