Saturday, March 26, 2011

Chinese Children

This is a silly post today but I think its a valid question: Will this baby take after me and bare an Asian-likeness??? This is a fun song by Devandra Banhart that made me laugh....and wonder.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ultrasound- 8 weeks, 2 days

We had our first ultrasound today which was very exciting. There is just ONE baby and it is growing right on schedule. We could hear the heartbeat, 171 bpm, which is very strong. It is such a relief to know that there is an actual baby in there and that it is alive and growing. No bump yet, in fact I actually have lost weight which is not uncommon given my lack of appetite. I go back in two weeks to meet with my doctor and we'll have more to report about little peanut.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekend Update

Peanut had a lot going on this past weekend. Thursday we drove Cody and some friends out to Townsend to begin their weekend float trip along the Little River. To pass the time, Peanut and I enjoyed some down time relaxing at home with some yummy chinese food. Then on Friday we were joined by my parents who came in for the weekend. Mom and I mostly shopped. Got me some great maternity clothes- at 8 weeks my jeans are already snug on my hips!! While we were out we couldn't help but look at all the cute baby stuff. Whatever this baby is, it will be well dressed!! After a fun weekend we're back to a busy week. I have a phone interview today with the Boys & Girls Club and we have our first doctor's appointment Wednesday. Already shaping up to be a great week!

Monday, March 14, 2011

No Pills for this Mama

They say being pregnant weakens your immune system so its not uncommon for women to get sick during their pregnancy. That being said....I have one hell of a cold. Normally, I would pop my pills and sleep it off. Unfortunately, there is a long list of don'ts when it comes to what medicines you can take while you're preggers. And just about every cold/sinus/decongestant medicine is on that don't list. Cody and I have tried to research if any drugs are okay and we can't seem to get a straight answer anywhere. Some say its ok, some suggest that these drugs can lead to birth defects, so I just gotta take the high road and avoid these medicines so little peanut doesn't end up with a clubbed foot. So if you don't hear from me for a while its because I'm in hibernation til I can beat this nasty cold.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pregnant Women Are Smug

A friend of mine showed me this video after we announced my pregnancy. It's pretty funny. But I promise I will never be a smug pregnant woman.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Fat Tuesday is over; let the 40 day countdown begin! Cody and I have talked with our friends recently about what to give up for Lent. We have some friends giving up meat, some giving up sweets, some giving up alcohol and the most extreme sacrifice- Cody going veagan. I started to feel a tad guilty for not declaring my own sacrifice, then I got on my pregnant pedestal and realized I would have my own "Lent" for the next 8 months: sacrificing alcohol, sushi & certain seafood, rest, my waistline and many more things to come. So, good luck to everyone over the next 40 days. And when it seems unbearable, think of me and the next 8 months of my Lent.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's a Baby!!!

Cody and I both knew we wanted kids, but we had no idea we'd be pregnant just 4 short months after our wedding. So to clear up any confusion, this was an accident. But an accident we are completely thrilled about!!! They say women have a sense, an intuition about being pregnant. Well I definitely did. I just felt pregnant. So finally after the ninth day I decided to take a pregnancy test that looked positive. I was supposed to see two lines and I thought I did. So I took another, same thing, kinda looked like two. Well two eventually turned into three. So after waiting 2 hours, Cody finally came home and I showed him, and he thought the same thing. So on our way out to his parents' we stopped and bought a different one that showed a plus or minus, plus sign it was. Luckily, I was able to get into the doctor the next day to find out I am indeed pregnant and due on Halloween!! Today makes me 6 weeks. We realize how sudden this seems but when I hear how difficult it is for so may couples to get pregnant, I feel unbelievably lucky to get pregnant without even really trying. We can't wait to spend the next 8 months watching our little peanut grow!