Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's a Baby!!!

Cody and I both knew we wanted kids, but we had no idea we'd be pregnant just 4 short months after our wedding. So to clear up any confusion, this was an accident. But an accident we are completely thrilled about!!! They say women have a sense, an intuition about being pregnant. Well I definitely did. I just felt pregnant. So finally after the ninth day I decided to take a pregnancy test that looked positive. I was supposed to see two lines and I thought I did. So I took another, same thing, kinda looked like two. Well two eventually turned into three. So after waiting 2 hours, Cody finally came home and I showed him, and he thought the same thing. So on our way out to his parents' we stopped and bought a different one that showed a plus or minus, plus sign it was. Luckily, I was able to get into the doctor the next day to find out I am indeed pregnant and due on Halloween!! Today makes me 6 weeks. We realize how sudden this seems but when I hear how difficult it is for so may couples to get pregnant, I feel unbelievably lucky to get pregnant without even really trying. We can't wait to spend the next 8 months watching our little peanut grow!

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