Monday, March 14, 2011

No Pills for this Mama

They say being pregnant weakens your immune system so its not uncommon for women to get sick during their pregnancy. That being said....I have one hell of a cold. Normally, I would pop my pills and sleep it off. Unfortunately, there is a long list of don'ts when it comes to what medicines you can take while you're preggers. And just about every cold/sinus/decongestant medicine is on that don't list. Cody and I have tried to research if any drugs are okay and we can't seem to get a straight answer anywhere. Some say its ok, some suggest that these drugs can lead to birth defects, so I just gotta take the high road and avoid these medicines so little peanut doesn't end up with a clubbed foot. So if you don't hear from me for a while its because I'm in hibernation til I can beat this nasty cold.

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